Years 7- 9 Curriculum Overview

At èßäÉçÇø the Years 7-9 program involves students in a transition from a broad and general education to one where they begin the process of making genuine choices that reflect their special interests and talents. These real choices will affect their long term educational and employment pathways.

Year 9 is the first year where they make elective choices, whilst Year 10 is viewed as the foundation year of the Post-Compulsory Educational Pathway which increasingly requires students to focus on tertiary entrance and work- related employable skill development.

Years 7-9 provides:-

  • a high level of integration between subjects
  • an expectation that students will take responsibility for their own learning and follow clearly established protocols for working in the flexible spaces and in the specialised classrooms
  • use of technology within the neighbourhoods and in designated classrooms in learning applications
  • teams of teachers working with the groups of students
  • shared planning and preparation for all learning experiences

Extra-Curricular Activities

An extensive range of extra-curricular activities are offered to students to complement the rigorous academic education they receive. They include:

  • Instrumental music tuition
  • Student leadership
  • Australia wide competitions
  • Lunchtime activities
  • School tours locally, throughout Australia and internationally
  • Debating & Public Speaking
  • Equestrian team
  • Energy breakthrough
  • College based, Interschool, Individual and team sports
  • Visual arts exhibitions
  • Performing arts, dance & drama
  • After school maths/homework tuition


Please click here to download/view the latest Year 9 Curriculum Handbook